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Does Your Small Business Really Need a Lawyer?

It may not seem like a big deal if you don’t have a lawyer for your small business, but having one is in the best interest of everyone involved. There are so many things that can happen in the business world, so you want to be as prepared as you possibly can. Even with that said, some people might not really know why it’s a good idea to have a decent lawyer, like Douglas Healy, for your business. To help with that, here are 7 reasons why a small business really should have a lawyer.

Security Breaches

No matter how secure you think your business and network is, there’s always the chance that there could be a security breach. Since many businesses have access to very sensitive and personal information, this is one of the last things you want to happen. With so many threats, it’s always best to have a lawyer on hand that can help you go through the legal channels to get the person brought to justice. Not only will it give you a piece of mind, but your customers will have it too.

Collection of Debts

Another reason why a small business needs a lawyer is so they can get help with debt collection. There are many small businesses that have a really hard time getting money that’s owed to them and they just don’t have the extra funds to bring in a collection agency. Having a lawyer means you’ll have a better chance at getting the money without needing to pay to get it. Thankfully, lawyers know all about debt collection and the laws, so they’ll be able to do things legally to get the money that you can’t necessarily do yourself.

Product Liability Issues

It doesn’t matter what kind of product you have or how safe you think you’re being, there’s always going to be instances of recalls and other issues. This could be anything from a safety issue to some of the materials or ingredients being tainted. Having a lawyer can help you get through these hurdles and protect your brand. Let’s face it, as a small business your brand is everything, so it’s crucial to do everything in your power to protect it!

Tax Audits

Tax audits are something that happen on a normal basis. Even if you have someone like a CPA on your team, there’s always the chance that some things can be missed or forgotten. This results in tax audits needing to be done. It’s important to have a lawyer that can help you get through any complications and give you legal representation so you aren’t facing things on your own. Tax audits shouldn’t make you nervous or scared, but it’s always good to be prepared for whatever may come.

Lawsuit Threats

With the business world, lawsuits and court cases are something that happens fairly regularly. There are so many people in the world and some are out to get a paycheck no matter what. Having a lawyer means you can have legal representation when the threat of a lawsuit comes. In addition, they’ll be able to go over things with you and discuss whether or not the person bringing the lawsuit actually has a case. They’ll also be able to help you get everything filed and through the right channels.

Contracts & Documents

Having a lawyer for your small business means they can help you with various contracts & documents. Not only will you need to have a decent understanding of multiple different types of documents and contracts, but you’ll also want to understand paperwork that relates to you achieving gains or losses. Lawyers have a lot of experience with these types of documents, so they should be able to help you out. In addition to explaining things in a way you’ll understand, they’ll also be able to walk you through anything that confuses you or doesn’t make sense.


Finally, a lawyer can help you have recourse when thefts occur. This goes for both customers and employees of your business. Without a lawyer, there’s a chance that you’ll never see any kind of reimbursement. With an attorney, though, they should be able to help you get the ball rolling and go through the proper channels in order to get the reimbursement you deserve.

Now that you know some of the reasons why a small business should have a lawyer, you should be able to find a decent one, like Douglas Healy. It’s much better to be prepared and not need it, than not have one and end up getting into a bunch of trouble.